Sunday, May 25, 2014

Page turns suck

     As requested, I recorded the Mozart Fantasy in D Minor this week. Just warning you, I mess up some of the runs near the end of the piece. We need to write 500 words this week, so I might as well talk about page turns. You see, the absolute worst part about playing music on the piano is page turns. Yes, page turns are the single worst thing ever. It really sucks to be trying to play something, and you get really into it, and everything starts clicking to the point where your plethora of mistakes doesn't even matter to you, and then all of a sudden...'s a page turn.
     I guess the problem isn't really that pages need to be turned. If we didn't have music on multiple pages, we wouldn't have classical music at all. No, the problem is that pages need to be turned with your hands, while notes are played with the exact same appendages. What we need is a way to flip pages without the use of your hands. I saw a guy once who switched pages on his ipad with a button on the floor that he tapped with his shoe. That's what all pianists need, a button they can push with their foot to automatically turn the page for them.
     Anyways, that's enough about my hate for paper music. Hmm...what else is there to talk about? Maybe why I love Debussy so much. The truth is, I don't really know why. That's really the thing with music isn't it though? You just know that you love a song, but you never really know why. I guess, today you could like something you heard on the radio because of the lyrics, or the beat, but when it comes to pieces without words, I've always wondered just why I love a piece. For example, the other day, I listened to this jazz piece a friend recommended called "Red Clay", and I can't stop listening to it; but I don't know why that is. Is it just that particular arrangement of notes, that specific set of frequencies in series that makes me enjoy listening to the piece? 
     I seem to be running out of things to talk about. Oh, forgot to say hat I'm not going to be uploading videos of the Rachmaninoff piece. I feel like I've had my fun with it, and now it can take a rest. Plus, the focus of the project really has turned into just uploading bi-weekly videos of whatever it is I feel like playing. I'm thinking of working on a Chopin Etude this week, and maybe another Debussy piece (if you hadn't guessed it by now, I'm kind of obsessed with Debussy). But, there's the Chem final this week, and the extended essay we have to write for English, so it will probably have to wait until next week...again.

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